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Messages - scarykiller904

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Staff Aplication
« on: September 28, 2013, 12:52:24 pm »
Age: 12
Yes I have had experiences on other server. 2 in fact: Creeper Games/PVP and an unnamed server.
I would like to be a mod because I know a lot about commands and I think it would be cool to make another group of staff friends and it would be quite the experience to be a mod on a minigames server :)
I would be on the server like all day because helping out people on a minigames server would be so fun and I like helping.
I have known about the server for about 1-3 months, somewhere in there.
I also have lots of other mod friends I would like to play with on here and I have 6 friend tokens (check my enderchest).
I do not have a Skype yet but I plan on getting one soon! :D

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